Carmen M. Santos Hernández
Carmen M. Santos Hernández, M.D., Ph.D, Sc.D.. Full Professor and Consultant at Universidad Medica de La Habana, Cuba and Senior Lecturer at the University of Guadalajara, Mexico
Senior and Full Professor, more than 25 years of experience on Clinical Nutrition and in researches applied to Body Composition, Liver and Complex Surgeries Transplantation, in Obesity and chronic diseases, as well as the development and scientific direction of surveys in healthy populations. Specialist in Nutrition in Public Health. Graduated from the University of Havana, Cuba. Doctor in Medical Sciences (Ph.D in 1991) and in Sciences (Sc D., 2010) . Masters students and doctoral students in Latin American universities. National Awards (Best Thesis of Scientific Degree of BioMedicine, Cuba, 1992 and 2010). Currently Professor and Invited Principal Researcher of the University of Guadalajara. She has been Vice Dean, chairs Scientific Council of the Latin American School of Medicine