Call for Abstract

7th International Conference on Public Health and Nursing, will be organized around the theme “Focusing on Global Outbreaks and Upgrades towards Public Health and Nursing”

Public Health Nursing 2018 is comprised of 25 tracks and 193 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Public Health Nursing 2018.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Primary Healthcare is the extremely important first care that is based on scientifically well-done and universally acceptable methods and technology, which make health care easy to get to people and families in a community. The International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC) is a standardized tool for understanding and analysing information on interventions in primary care by the reason for the patient visit. Common long-lasting sicknesses usually treated in primary care may include high blood pressure, pain, Diabetes, breathing disease, COPD, depression and fear and stress, back pain, painful joint swelling or thyroid dysfunction. Driven by population magnification and aging, the total number of office visits to primary care medicos is projected to increment from 462 million in 2008 to 565 million in 2025. Primary care also includes many basic mother-based and child health care services, such as family planning services and vaccinations.

  • Track 1-1Quality in Primary Care
  • Track 1-2Fitness & Wellness
  • Track 1-3Health Promotion and Protection
  • Track 1-4Diagnosis of Health Status
  • Track 1-5Plan of Care and Implementation of Treatment

Psychiatry is the medical specialty that diagnoses and treats mental disorders, usually those requiring medication. Psychiatry is now a highly visible activity, lack of care in the community, compulsion, suicide, drug and alcohol abuse are few motivations. Starting with the identification of the major mental illnesses and how they are considered distinction from normality. Flourishing of psychoanalysis and its later transformation into more accessible psychotherapies gave a chance for better understanding. Modern psychiatry too brings with it new controversies such as the medicalization of normal life, the power of the drug companies and the use of psychiatry as an agent of social control.

Dental care is important to prevent dental disease and to maintain proper dental and oral health. Oral problems, including dental and periodontal infections, dry mouth, tooth decay, are all treatable with proper diagnosis and care

  • Track 2-1Assessment and Evaluation of Mental Health
  • Track 2-2Psychiatric Disorders
  • Track 2-3Clinical Psychology
  • Track 2-4Transnational Psychiatry
  • Track 2-5Anxiety and sleep disorders- Nursing care
  • Track 2-6Schizophrenia and Nursing Care
  • Track 2-7Oral cancer
  • Track 2-8Leadership needs in Dental nurses
  • Track 2-9Future Trends in Dentistry
  • Track 2-10Orthodontics & prosthodontics

A surgical nurse is a nurse who specializes in perioperative care, meaning care provided to surgical patients before, during, and after surgery. There are a number of different kinds of surgical nurse, and surgical nursing as a career can be very demanding. In pre-operative care, a surgical nurse helps to prepare a patient for surgery, both physically and emotionally. Surgical nurses may explain the procedure to the patient, and ease fears about the upcoming surgery and recovery. They also check the patient's vitals, administer medications, and help to sterilize and mark the surgical site.

Wound care nurses, sometimes referred to as wound, ostomy, and continence (WOC) nurses, specialize in wound management, the monitoring and treatment of wounds due to injury, disease or medical treatments. Their work promotes the safe and rapid healing of a wide variety of wounds, from chronic bed sores or ulcers to abscesses, feeding tube sites and recent surgical openings. The majority of wound care nurses work in hospitals, nursing homes or travel to patients' homes as home health workers.

  • Track 3-1Latest Advancements in Surgery
  • Track 3-2Plastic Surgery
  • Track 3-3Transplant Surgery
  • Track 3-4General Surgery and its Specialities
  • Track 3-5Wound Care and Infection Control
  • Track 3-6Rheumatology
  • Track 3-7Wound Care and Dressing
  • Track 3-8Wound Care and Treatment

Pediatric nurses not only work directly with children and their families. pediatric nurses aim to mitigate health problems before they occur A lifetime journey into wellness begins at birth, and the nursing profession is always in need of nurses who devote their skills to caring for the smallest patients as they grow and develop. Pediatric nurses work in a variety of settings with children of all ages. By taking a preventative and proactive approach to providing care

Cardiovascular Nurses play a key role in the evaluation of Cardiovascular Status, Monitoring the Hemodynamic Functions and Disease Management. This module aims to provide nurses with the knowledge and skills to be competent, safe and effective carers of patients presenting with cardiac health problems. Nurses need to understand of current evidence based practice and guidelines relating to cardiac disease management.

  • Track 4-1Cardiac Arrest and Heart Failure
  • Track 4-2Heart Transplantation
  • Track 4-3Coronary Artery Disease and its Management
  • Track 4-4Blood and its Importance
  • Track 4-5Angina Pectoris
  • Track 4-6Preterm-birth Complications and Neonatal Intensive Care
  • Track 4-7General Pediatrics
  • Track 4-8Pediatric Critical Care
  • Track 4-9Pediatric Mental Health
  • Track 4-10Health Issues with Children
  • Track 4-11Paediatric allergy and respiratory Disorders
  • Track 4-12Congenital Heart Disease

There are about 20380000 registered nurses all over the world, there are about 30,000 professionally activated nurses in CANADA, and in Vancouver there are 3152 registered nurses regarding the statistics of 2015. There are many types of nursing like Cancer Nursing, Heart & Cardiovascular Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, Surgical Nursing, Dental Care Nursing, Clinical Nursing, Critical Care & Emergency Nursing, Women Health Nursing

Processes that are handled by an organization’s nurse management team include staffing, organizing, delegating tasks, directing others, and planning. Registered nurses typically undergo further education in order to move into management-level positions.

  • Track 5-1Innovations and reforms in Nursing Management
  • Track 5-2Gastroenterology Nursing
  • Track 5-3Nephrology Nursing
  • Track 5-4Adult Health Nursing
  • Track 5-5Forensic Nursing
  • Track 5-6Rehabilitation Nursing
  • Track 5-7Palliative Care Nursing
  • Track 5-8Use of it in Nursing Management
  • Track 5-9Quality and Safety of Nursing Care

Telehealth nursing has rapidly evolved into a role that is a key member of the patient care team and a meaningful career with opportunities for growth. Today, telehealth nurses work with cutting-edge therapies and support patients in a variety of rare disease states, giving nurses the opportunity to pursue an area they’re passionate about, and are a resource to patients throughout their therapeutic journey. To do this, telehealth nurses need a deep understanding of clinical specialties and therapies.

  • Track 6-1Depression and Dementia
  • Track 6-2Medication and Nutrition in Elderly
  • Track 6-3Oral Health in Aging

Women's health information covers breast, cancer, heart, pregnancy, sexual health, and mature women related conditions. Women’s Health Care aims to keep health and medical research, particularly the Society for Women’s Health Research, including heart disease. Nurse-midwifery offers a wide variety of professional career pathways. Nurse-Midwives provide primary and gynaecologic care to women as well as specialty care and support for expecting mothers and their infants. Nurse-midwives are known for their evidence-based care. In addition to the reproductive science, students examine the influences of culture; tradition and the social, economic and political forces that influence the health of women.

  • Track 7-1Midwifery Care: Labor, Birth and New Born
  • Track 7-2Obstetric and Gynecologic Malignancies
  • Track 7-3Nursing Care during Child Birth
  • Track 7-4Women’s Reproductive Health Care
  • Track 7-5Endometriosis and its management during pregnancy
  • Track 7-6Ambulatory Care for Women

Clinical nurse specialists work to improve patient outcomes by using theory and research to further the success of nursing systems. The CNS is in a leadership role and works closely with the nurse manager of the patient care unit to improve nursing practice. This career is categorized as an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) role because it requires a master's level education as well as clinical training.

Critical care nursing is the field of nursing with a focus on the utmost care of the critically ill or unstable patients following extensive injury, surgery or life threatening diseases. Critical care nurses can be found working in a wide variety of environments and specialties, such as general intensive care units, medical intensive care units, surgical intensive care units, trauma intensive care units, coronary care units, cardiothoracic intensive care units, burns unit, pediatrics and some trauma center emergency departments.

  • Track 8-1Clinical Nursing Research
  • Track 8-2Practices in Clinical Nursing
  • Track 8-3Clinical Nurse Specialties
  • Track 8-4Primary Critical Care Nursing
  • Track 8-5New Innovate Ideas and Research in Emergency Nursing
  • Track 8-6Pediatric Critical Care
  • Track 8-7Emergency Trends in Technology

Developments in Nursing Education are collaboration for assessing and empowering the new era for the Nursing Education. Presently a days United States manages an augment deficiency of medical attendants, coordinated in the event that by a winding down development of populace and an absence of accessible spots for the schools of nursing the nation over. Everywhere it worries about the medical caretaker master deficiency is detectable in the reports of articulated nursing associations, also in the exercises of a few state work trouble focuses. As a result of this dedication, it's important to take care of the issue identified with the deficiency of medical caretaker personnel, the point of this collaboration to bolster for such the development of Evaluating Innovations in Nursing Education (EIN) to reserve assessments of nursing instructive mediations.

  • Track 9-1Skill Train with Directed Practice
  • Track 9-2Regulatory Science
  • Track 9-3Clinical Outcomes & Comparative Effectiveness Research
  • Track 9-4Nursing roles
  • Track 9-5PHN competencies
  • Track 9-6Practice-based learning
  • Track 9-7Enhance Intrinsic Motivation

Nursing care education is an important part of the dignity programme in adapting students for entry into the nursing trade. Student and teacher concept of the relationship between assessment and learning has remained an under-researched area. Data were collected through a series of focus group examination with groups of nursing students, graduates, and teachers. It was revealed that students’ learning during the clinical practicum was, to a large extent, affected by their awareness of the assessment tasks. As a result, they adopted a surface approach to study and target on preparing for the assessment tasks to the drawback of their learning.

  • Track 10-1Types of Nursing Care
  • Track 10-2Nursing care Informatics
  • Track 10-3Nursing Education and Research
  • Track 10-4Innovations in Nursing Care

Gerontological nursing is the specialty of nursing pertaining to older adults. Gerontological nurses work in collaboration with older adults, their families, and communities to support healthy aging, maximum functioning, and quality of life. The term gerontological nursing, which replaced the term geriatric nursing in the 1970s, is seen as being more consistent with the specialty's broader focus on health and wellness, in addition to illness. Gerontological nursing is important to meet the health needs of an aging population. Due to longer life expectancy and declining fertility rates, the proportion of the population that is considered old is increasing.

  • Track 11-1Geriatric Oncology
  • Track 11-2Gerontology and Palliative Care
  • Track 11-3Geriatrics and Geriatric Medicine
  • Track 11-4Elderly Care
  • Track 11-5Aging Biology
  • Track 11-6Clinical Geriatrics

It is important to take steps to protect reproductive system from infections and injury, and prevent problems—including some long-term health problems. Taking care of yourself and making healthy choices can help protect you and your loved ones. One elucidation of this proposes men and ladies ought to be educated of and to have contact to protected, powerful, sensible and adequate strategies for anti-conception medication; additionally contact to fitting social insurance offices of sexual, regenerative prescription and utilization of wellbeing preparing projects to weight the significance of ladies to go securely through pregnancy and labor could offer couples with the most obvious opportunity with regards to having a sound child. Then again, people do confront varieties in regenerative wellbeing administrations. It is conceivable gone for condition, that low income individuals absence the resources for appropriate health services and the information to know what is appropriate for preserving Reproductive Health.

  • Track 12-1Reproductive Technology
  • Track 12-2Reproductive Medicine
  • Track 12-3Nursing care during child birth and preterm birth prevention
  • Track 12-4Diagnosis and Treatment
  • Track 12-5Reproductive Health of Young People
  • Track 12-6Menopause
  • Track 12-7Reproductive Toxicology

A Public Health Science promotes health and quality of life, disease prevention and improvement of health systems. Public health is the science of protecting and improving the health of families and communities through the promotion of healthy lifestyles, research for disease and injury prevention and detection and control of infectious diseases. A large part of public health is promoting health care equity, quality and accessibility. Public Health Sciences has a multidisciplinary approach and a specialization in public health epidemiology. Public health professionals try to prevent problems from happening or recurring through implementing educational programs, recommending policies, administering services and conducting research.

  • Track 13-1Public Health Research
  • Track 13-2Modern Public Health Practice
  • Track 13-3Health Education
  • Track 13-4Urban Public Health
  • Track 13-5Oral Health
  • Track 13-6Population Health

All nurses work with patients from the communities surrounding the health care facility. This means that in essence, all nurses deal with public health. However, public health nurses work more specifically in this area, striving to improve the health of the public and educate the community on health issues that are prevalent in the area. Many public health nurses work with specific populations, such as young children living in poverty

  • Track 14-1Public Health Care Services
  • Track 14-2Health Sciences
  • Track 14-3 Building the Evidence for PHN Education and Practice
  • Track 14-4Transitional Care Nursing
  • Track 14-5Veternary Nursing
  • Track 14-6Gynecology & Obstetrics Nursing

Nursing Practice provides healthcare across a continuum of services for acute and chronic conditions in hospital, ambulatory, and skilled nursing settings. Nurses share lessons learned, tools, and evidence-based practices across the system. They engage in emergency management and disaster preparedness both in VA and beyond. To improve access to care, nurses help create new models of care like the Primary Care Patient Aligned Care Teams (Patient Centered Medical Home), introduce new nursing roles like the Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL), and advance existing roles, like the use of RN Care Managers to coordinate care.

  • Track 15-1Nursing Professionalism
  • Track 15-2New Nursing Technology
  • Track 15-3Evidence-based Practice
  • Track 15-4Medicine Case Report
  • Track 15-5Care of patients with different Cultural Background
  • Track 15-6Advanced Nursing Practice
  • Track 15-7Innovations in Patient Care

Nursing Education is committed to improving the quality of care for the cancer patient through education of the professional nursing community. Nurses are mastering the complexities of care and advanced technology—allowing them in greater numbers to contribute decisively on teams, understand health policy, analyse information to make critical decisions, and support the well-being of all

  • Track 16-1Innovations in Nursing Education
  • Track 16-2Nursing Outcome Study
  • Track 16-3Graduate Nursing Education reform
  • Track 16-4Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning

Legal Nursing is the implicative intimations of nursing practice are attached to licensure, state and government laws, extent of practice and an open prospect that attendants hone at a high expert standard. The medical attendant's illumination, permit and nursing standard give the system by which attendants are relied upon to practice. Moral issues in legal nursing are fundamentally six moral rules that emerge often for the attendant who meets expectations in the remedial setting 1. Concession for persons (self-rule and self-determination) 2. Beneficence (doing great) 3. Nonmaleficence (dodging mischief) 4. Value (reasonableness, evenhandedness, veracity), 5. Veracity (coming clean) 6. Constancy  (staying steadfast to one's dedication).

Nurses are the health workers most frequently found providing primary health care services in rural communities throughout the world. In these settings, often with limited resources and far from professional support systems, nurses may encounter ethical dilemmas quite different from those experienced by their colleagues in urban hospital settings. Consider the following example from a remote island community. A young nurse with two years’ experience in an urban hospital is posted to a remote village. In this country there are very few doctors, so nurses diagnose and treat common health problems.

  • Track 17-1Rural Medicine
  • Track 17-2Nursing Service
  • Track 17-3Health Care Laws
  • Track 17-4Involvement of Nurses in change of Health Policies
  • Track 17-5Legal Nurse in end of Life Care
  • Track 17-6Role of Legal Nursing
  • Track 17-7Health Determinants

Community health nursing, a field of nursing that is a blend of primary health care and nursing practice with public health nursing. The community health nurse conducts a continuing and comprehensive practice that is preventive, curative, and rehabilitative. The philosophy of care is based on the belief that care directed to the individual, the family, and the group contributes to the health care of the population as a whole. The community health nurse is not restricted to the care of a particular age or diagnostic group.

  • Track 18-1Origin and Future of Community Nursing
  • Track 18-2Community Health Systems
  • Track 18-3General Health Maintenance
  • Track 18-4Exercise and Fitness

Family Nursing is "The practical science of preventative and remedial support to the family in order to help the family system unit independently and autonomously maintain and improve its family functions. Family nursing is directed to improving the potential health of a family or any of its members by assessing individual and family health needs and strengths, by identifying problems influencing the health care of the family as a whole and those influencing the individual members, by using family resources, by teaching and counselling, and by evaluating progress toward stated goals.

  • Track 19-1Family Medicine
  • Track 19-2Diabetes Nursing
  • Track 19-3Child Health
  • Track 19-4Practice Guidelines for Family Nursing
  • Track 19-5Patient Safety

A Transcultural Nurse helps patients by providing culturally sensitive care to patients all over the world. They treat patients of different cultures, often immigrants and refugees. They work in foreign countries mostly, but also right here in our own cities, applying their knowledge of diverse cultures to their local nursing position.


Occupational health nursing is the specialty practice that provides for and delivers health and safety programs and services to workers, worker populations, and community groups. The practice focuses on promotion and restoration of health, prevention of illness and injury, and protection from work-related and environmental hazards. Occupational health nurses (OHNs) have a combined knowledge of health and business that they blend with healthcare expertise to balance the requirement for a safe and healthful work environment with a “healthy” bottom line.

  • Track 20-1Environmental Health
  • Track 20-2Transcultural health promotion
  • Track 20-3Intercultural communication
  • Track 20-4Compassion as a main important influence of caring/nursing
  • Track 20-5Designing and evaluating services
  • Track 20-6Occupational Health Practitioner
  • Track 20-7Emergency preparedness/disaster planning
  • Track 20-8Occupational Safety and Health
  • Track 20-9Patient care and relationships

Epidemiology is a science rooted in finding solutions to serious public health problems like cardiovascular disease and cancer. The Epidemiology Section fosters epidemiologic research and science-based public health practice and serves as a conduit between the epidemiologic research community and users of scientific information for the development, implementation and evaluation of policies affecting the public's health. Data concerning determinants and distribution are critical to improving the health of entire populations. In other words, epidemiologists identify why some people get sick and others do not. Epidemiology programs are a trans disciplinary approach to disease prevention and our research among populations and communities.


  • Track 21-1Clinical Epidemiology
  • Track 21-2Genetic Epidemiology
  • Track 21-3Perinatal Epidemiology
  • Track 21-4Cancer Epidemiology
  • Track 21-5Occupational Epidemiology
  • Track 21-6Chronic Disease Epidemiology
  • Track 21-7Endemic Diseases
  • Track 21-8Epidemiology Case Studies

The field of Oncology Nursing, in particular, is probably one of the most challenging and rewarding fields in nursing. For those with cancer, oncology nurses are the ones who are there for us during our most difficult and intimate moments in life, the ones at our bedside, educating us, encouraging us. It is often said that nurses are the heart of health care. 


  • Track 22-1General Issues in Cancer Nursing
  • Track 22-2Cancer Pain Management
  • Track 22-3Cancer Nursing Practices
  • Track 22-4Cancer Therapeutics
  • Track 22-5Nursing Care Plans

SDoH works on the causes of the loss in health in our society. We can continue to only treat the rising burden of diabetes and heart disease (which of course is still an important social investment), or we can also address issues such as the lack of education around prevention, rising mental health burden caused by economic and social hardships and tackle unaffordable housing and health care.
Which will in turn, lead to greater community health.

A health in all policies approach can go some way to ensure this consideration, and we present evidence that some countries are taking this approach, however given entrenched inequalities, there is some way to go. Measuring progress on the SDoH globally will be key to future development of successful policies and implementation plans, enabling the identification and sharing of best practice.

  • Track 23-1Medical Ethics and Health policies
  • Track 23-2Ethical guidelines
  • Track 23-3Health policies and implementation
  • Track 23-4Equity gap

The Innovations for Maternal and Child Health initiative seeks to improve maternal, new born, and child health outcomes by strengthening health systems, using primary healthcare as an entry point. Improving the well-being of mothers, infants, and children is an important public health goal. Their well-being determines the health of the next generation and can help predict future public health challenges for families, communities, and the health care system. The health of children from birth through adolescence, with a focus on the health of children under the age of five. New born health is the health of babies from birth through the first 28 days of life.


  • Track 24-1Health in Pregnancy
  • Track 24-2Reproductive Cloning
  • Track 24-3Intimate Partner Violence
  • Track 24-4Hypertension and Heart Disease
  • Track 24-5Depression & Unhealthy Weight

Preventive Medicine is a specialty dedicated to optimizing every level of health and wellness. Preventive Medicine specialists are trained to promote health and reduce the risks of disease, disability and death in individuals and populations. Preventive medicine can bring a fundamental transformation in the way the healthcare ecosystem operates. The specialty of Preventive Medicine provides an exciting opportunity for physicians who are interested in developing skills in epidemiology, biostatistics, health policy and management. A Preventive Medicine specialist focuses on the health of individuals and defined populations in order to protect, promote and maintain health and well-being, and to prevent disease, disability and premature death. They apply knowledge and skills gained from the medical, social, economic, and behavioural sciences.  Preventive medicine has three specialty areas with common core knowledge, skills, and competencies that emphasize different populations. Personalized Medicine is fundamentally transforming the way we view disease — from a catalogue of clinical symptoms to a category defined by its underlying cause. Over the past century, medical care has generally focused on selecting medicines that are “standard of care” based on clinical signs/symptoms and that are successful in the “average” patient.

  • Track 25-1Sedentary Life style
  • Track 25-2 Preventive methods
  • Track 25-3Behavioral medicine
  • Track 25-4Precision medicine
  • Track 25-5Personalized Drug Therapy
  • Track 25-6Target Based Therapy